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The FCA informs in their latest speech "It is vital the UK financial system has the right safeguards to prevent financial crime” with much focus falling upon banks for an effective approach to prevention.
22nd September 2016
This week, the British Banker’s Association (BBA) held a Financial Crime and Sanctions Conference. It was here that Megan Butler, the Executive Director of Supervision, Investment, Wholesale and Specialist Division at the FCA gave a speech on combating financial crime.
Ms Butler advised that the UK social and economic costs of serious and organised crime “were assessed in the past at £24billion, whilst the cost of global money laundering has been previously estimated at US$1.6trillion.”
Given the enormity of these figures, Ms Butler stated that “it is vital that the UK financial system has the right safeguards to prevent financial crime.” In addition she informed it is important that the regulator and other agencies, both domestic and international, work with the industry “to ensure the UK financial system is a hostile sector for such criminal activity”.
The main topic of Ms Butler’s speech was how to focus on a more effective approach to combating financial crime, thus her main question was “What makes for an effective approach to financial crime?”
This in itself poses various compliance-
Ms Butler also stressed that whilst much focus fell upon banks, that the FCA will remain committed to a proportionate approach to regulation with the FCA focusing on “the firms which pose the greatest risk as a priority” with the FCA’s financial crime supervisors being “extremely careful to work with banks in a measured fashion.”
Some statistics shared from the last few years informed that “since 2012, [the FCA] have fined 7 banks and 1 Money Laundering reporting Officer for AML failings,” thus the FCA will look to take targeted enforcement action in appropriate cases.
Once concern within the industry shared by Ms Butler were concerns around the effectiveness of Suspicious Activity Reports -
An area where there seems room for innovation to make compliance processes smoother, effective and more efficient is the increase and improvement in technology and Ms Butler encouraged firms to get involved with the FCA’s thoughts on RegTech.
In summary, Ms Butler re-
the UK financial system is a hostile sector for money launderers
AML requirements are proportionate and operate efficiently
the unintended consequences of AML regulation are minimised, and
firms’ AML processes do not exclude people unfairly or unreasonably from using financial services
There have been recent developments to the reporting requirements for financial crime, previously discussed in our article on the New Financial Crime Reporting requirements. Firms should be reminded that the new requirements come into effect from 31st December 2016.
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FCA Stance on Financial Crime Compliance
“We do not want you to take, and I know from speaking with firms that you don’t want us to take, a ‘tick-
Megan Butler, FCA Speech ‘A more effective approach to combating financial crime’ September 2016
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